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Steno bredanensis

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Link azonosító (ID): 279
Link címsor: Steno bredanensis
Kategória: delfin.wyw.hu
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Link leírása: his is the only long-beaked dolphin with a smoothly sloping melon that gently blends into the upper beak. The body is not very slender and the anterior may be stocky. The large flippers are set further back on the body than in most other cetaceans. The dorsal fin is tall and only slightly recurved. Some large males may have a hump posterior to the anus resembling a keel. Rough dolphins are countershaded with white bellies and black to dark grey backs. The sides are medium grey and separated from the back by a cape. Size reaches 265 cm and body mass may reach 155 kg (Jefferson 2002).
URL cím: http://www.cms.int/reports/small_ceta...
Hozzáadva: A weboldal ekkor került be katalógusunkba: 2008-12- 6
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További információk: cms.int
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